Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Japanese Weirdos

Nice booty shorts!

This guy is the best I've seen so far! He was walking up and down Shibuya crossing, spreading his message to the masses. He was basically saying "you have to have fun in life", "stop letting your work stress you", etc... The little sign he's holding says "you have to smile"...

Needless to say, I was laughing pretty hard...

As everyone knows, Japan is an overpopulated country. All sorts of dangerous things can happen, for example being trampled by a mob on your way out of a store. Therefore, prudent persons like this old man wear a helmet everywhere they go, just to be on the safe side!

this pic is more funny than weird... Where the hell did he get those shoes, and why is he wearing them out in public?

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In the past year I have split my time between Tokyo, San Diego, Detroit, New York, Chicago, Bali, Romania, Hungary, Okinawa and a few other places around Japan. Where will I be next? no one knows...